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Entry #6: Exciting Times Ahead!

Being a huge storm enthusiast, you would think that the majority of winter is a huge bummer. Although the weather has been pretty boring, the number of events and opportunities I'll get to participate in is very large, at least compared to years past. It's very exciting to have all of these things coming up, especially since I've never really had these experiences before. And with Spring just around the corner, there should be a lack of boring times for at least several months!

The first and soonest thing coming up is actually this Tuesday at school. The NewsTribune (our local newspaper) contacted one of my English teachers about an interview with me, her (the teacher), and the student editor of the school paper. I have no clue what triggered this, but I do know that the NewsTribune has exhibited some level of interest in me since the creation of my Twitter account, and since "the thundersnow video" I recorded last February aired on national TV. They did a small article on me after that entire thing (which I don't really think was necessary because I don't think it was a major accomplishment), but never followed up since. I'm not one who actively seeks media attention, but if they want to interview me (and get me out of PE class for a day), then I'll do it. It's nice to be recognized for your work, and it should be a cool experience.

The next thing on the list is a pretty minor thing, but is very exciting for me. Our weekly school paper has allowed me to have a half-page weather section. Previously, I've never been affiliated with anyone (no matter how small). It should be a neat experience being able to share information on current and past weather events, along with interesting facts. I hope that everyone will find it interesting, as I plan to keep it engaging rather than boring and dull. It'll also be an opportunity to show our chemistry/physics teacher that I'm actually serious about this whole weather thing and that I actually know something...hehehe...


Go to to register for their seminar!

Another great thing that almost exclusively happens in late winter and early spring is seminars and spotter classes. I've actually only attended two weather seminars in my life (at Fermilab with Tom Skilling and Jim Reed in 2011, and at Wheaton College with Skip Talbot, Victor Gensini, Paul Sirvatka, Chris Novy, Tammie Souza, and Jim Allsopp in 2014). However, I plan to attend 2 or 3 just this year. I'm going to one for sure, which is the Central Illinois Weather Net's seminar on March 7th. I planned to go in the first place, so when registering online, I was ecstatic to find out that THE Dr. Josh Wurman himself will be the special guest speaker. I've always dreamed of meeting him, not only because of his appearance on Storm Chasers, but just the fact that he's one of the leading tornado scientists in the world, and that he was one of the leaders of VORTEX 2. While there are many in the weather/chase community I really want to meet, Dr. Wurman is towards the top of the list. I also hope to go Fermilab once again this year for Tom Skilling's seminar, as well as the Wheaton College seminar. And on top of that, there's the annual spotter training class. Even though I'm beyond that in knowledge level and have gone to them for several years, it's always nice to be there. It should be a great time at these classes/seminars, and hopefully I'll be able to meet some of the other weather enthusiasts I've interacted with on social media!

There are other miscillaneous things that I won't necessarily be participating in, but I'm glad to know about. The new chaser podcast, "The Ghost Train," created by Marcus Diaz is a great podcast by chasers for chasers. They share experiences, knowledge, thoughts, and opinions, getting to know their real passion for storms along with getting to know them as genuine people. They have had excellent guests including Skip Talbot, Adam Lucio, Shane Adams, Jennifer Brindley-Ubl, and many others. The show has also been a great success by the Stormtrack community to restore the forums, along with Tim Vasquez's ownership handoff. And speaking of Stormtrack, I've been actively reading the forums and learning LOTS from the wisdom of experienced chasers. I've had a Stormtrack account since last April, but have remained largely inactive participation-wise, but have posted a little bio in the "New Members Meet and Greet" forum. This year, I should be getting a little further out into the chaser community. Nothing huge most likely, but at least baby steps.

Watch "The Ghost Train" Sunday nights at 7:30 PM CT:

One hope for something I can do in 2015 is to visit the College of DuPage's NEXLAB for a day. I desperately hope I can attend that college before moving on to a university, as it's one of the most in-depth meteorology programs I've seen for a community college. Along with that, I've wanted to meet many of the students and especially the head meteorology professor, Paul Sirvatka. Who knows, perhaps I'll be able to take a visit there early this summer!

So far 2015 is looking like it could be my best year by far. It's incredible to realize all of the opportunities I've been getting especially in the last year. I'd really attribute it to the power of social media. I've said this so many times, but right now I'd be nowhere without it. I've learned so much from others on social media and have been able to interact with many that I've never imagined possible. It's very humbling, and I hope it can lead me to more positive experiences and interactions in the future!

Oh yeah, and did I mention storm season starts in less than 3 months?

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